» Guardianship and Conservatorship

The Role of Court Visitors in Guardianships.

The Role of Court Visitors in Guardianships

If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another condition that causes them to become incapacitated, they may be in need of a guardianship. This is a legal framework that is put into place to protect individuals who cannot make deci… Read More
The Right to Marriage in a Guardianship.

The Right to Marriage in a Guardianship

Marriage is a fundamental right that is protected by the United States Constitution, as well as the civil right to enter into contracts. But when a person has a guardian appointed, they typically can no longer sign binding contracts on their own. Rat… Read More
What is a Surety Bond in Conservatorship?

What is a Surety Bond in Conservatorship?

Under Minnesota law, a conservator must be appointed by the court before they can assume their duties. These duties include acting in the best financial interests of the protected person while managing their estate. A surety bond is a type of bond th… Read More
Responsibilities of a Guardian or Conservator.

Responsibilities of a Guardian or Conservator

As loved ones grow older, they may not always be able to handle their finances or make decisions about their healthcare and welfare on their own. Guardians and conservators can both play a major role in the life of an incapacitated person. However, r… Read More