» Probate

Law Concept. Breach of Duty

What Can You Do if the Personal Representative is Mismanaging the Estate?

The personal representative of a decedent’s estate serves a crucial role in the administration process. Unfortunately, when a personal representative is dishonest or disloyal, conflicts can arise that cause significant delay and a considerable amou… Read More
Categories: Litigation, Probate
Probate text on black notepad and gavel on white cover background.

Problems That Can Arise During Probate and Lead to Litigation

When a loved one passes away, their estate may be subject to probate — regardless of whether they had a will. Probate proceedings can be long and complicated, even without litigation. However, when disputes occur, the process can be even lengthier… Read More
Categories: Probate
BENEFICIARY is the word behind torn office paper with numbers and a black pen. Business and finance concept

What Rights Do Trust Beneficiaries Have in Minnesota?

Being named a beneficiary in a loved one’s estate plan can be a significant gift. Although distributions from trusts are often made without issue, it’s important for beneficiaries to understand that they have certain legal rights. In addition to… Read More
Categories: Probate
gavel on table with file folders concept

Can a Conservatorship Be Contested?

If your loved one has become incapacitated and is no longer able to manage their own finances or business affairs, a conservatorship might be necessary. Not to be confused with a guardianship — which gives authority to make medical and personal dec… Read More
Categories: Probate
Wooden block cube shape with icon law legal justice concept

What is the Minnesota Guardianship Bill of Rights?

During the 2020 legislative session, Minnesota’s guardianship laws underwent several substantial changes. These recent reforms were meant to promote supported decision-making and provide less restrictive alternatives to guardianships in order to he… Read More
Categories: Probate
Book guardianship as part of family law concept.

When Does a Contested Guardianship Occur? 

If your loved one can no longer care for themselves, a guardianship can be crucial to ensure they are safe, and their daily needs are met. Not to be confused with a conservatorship — which only concerns financial decision-making — a Minnesota gua… Read More
Categories: Probate
Calculator and pencil

Prince’s Estate Tax Dispute: Why Asset Valuation Matters

The multi-talented American singer-songwriter Prince was born and raised in Minnesota and lived just outside Minneapolis when he died in 2016 at the age of 57. His estate created one of most complex probate court proceedings in Minnesota history. Amo… Read More
Categories: Bankruptcy, Probate
Unfair Inheritance: Contesting a Will

Unfair Inheritance: Challenging a Will in Probate Court

Family members sometimes feel disappointment in how they are treated in a loved one’s estate. But dissatisfaction of a beneficiary or a person omitted from a Last Will and Testament is not a sufficient legal basis for contesting a will in probate c… Read More
Categories: Litigation, Probate
britney spears star

Britney Spears Conservatorship: Probate Litigation to Fight Abuse

The 13-year saga of the Britney Spears conservatorship case has recently drawn increased news and social media scrutiny, due to Britney’s legal efforts to end the conservatorship. Coverage of the probate litigation focuses attention on conservators… Read More
Categories: Litigation, Probate
dying without a will

What Happens if Someone Dies Without a Will in Minnesota?

A Last Will and Testament, commonly referred to as a will, is a legal document in which a person makes important decisions about what happens when they pass away. A will typically distributes the property of the estate, designates a person to adminis… Read More
Categories: Probate